
Push Forward - Lena


【清新女伶】Lena - Push Forward


Lena Meyer Landrut,德国歌手,生于1991年,为大家所知的是她的艺名Lena。5岁开始学习芭蕾舞,接着又涉足嘻哈舞蹈以及爵士现代舞,展现艺术全才天份。2010年她代表德国参加了在挪威首都奥斯陆举办的欧洲电视网歌唱大赛,并且以歌曲“Satellite”(“卫星”)赢得了冠军。首张唱片《My Cassette Player》在德国赢得排行冠军,并且获颁双白金认证。

It's always the same

A window I can't see through

Don't think I'll ever do

It's covered in rain

Like me as I'm waiting for you

I'm not sure I wanted to

Like horses on a carousel never win but

always keep racing

Standing here got time to kill, watching

them a little oh

They don't know

All that I want is always to push forward

But since you've been gone

I just wanna push rewind

If yesterday could only be tomorrow

Whatever I do I always run behind

It's always the same

I'm staring at the ceiling

Don't know where to begin

All that I see

Just symbols with no meaning

They could mean anything

Like echoes in a hallway

my thoughts are always reflecting

Bouncing off the walls of our cold

and empty house and I still

Don't know

All that I want is always to push forward

But since you've been gone

I just wanna push rewind

If yesterday could only be tomorrow

Whatever I do I always run behind

If you could see how

my world is tumbling down

Oh how it hurts when you're

not around

All that I want is always to

push forward

All that I want is always to

push forward

But since you've been gone

I just wanna push rewind

If yesterday could only be tomorrow

Whatever I do I always run behind

Whatever I do I always run behind

